Thursday, May 8, 2014

Character Role Casting with Aaron Peters

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Chapters 1-2

Physical Traits
Character Traits
Pony Boy
Small for his age, but built, long light-brown/red hair, greenish-gray eyes
chooses to be lonely, the younger one, smart, likes school
16 going on 17
Not as tall as Darry, but is slimmer. Finely drawn, sensitive face that is reckless at the same time. Dark-gold hair that he combs back, Long, silky, and Straight. Dark-Brown eyes.
likes to have fun
the charmer
Dallas Winston (Dally)
hair white/blond, elfish face, small, high cheekbones, pointed chin, blue eyes,
cold, hard, gang member
Darrel (Darry)
6’ 2”, Broad Shoulders, He has cold eyes. Brown hair that kicks out in front, and a slight cowlick in the back. Eyes like 2 pieces of pale blue-green ice
serious, hard working, responsible
Johnny  Cade
smaller than the rest, with a slight build. He had big black
eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the
side, but it was so long that it fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead. He had a nervous,
suspicious look in his eyes
always acts nervous, suspicious, and sensitive.  
Steve Randle
tall and with thick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated swirls
Extremely good with cars.
sodas best friend
Two-Bit Mathews
6’ tall. Stocky. Rusty colored sideburns. Grey eyes and a wide grin.
The funny guy
wisecracker of the bunch
blonde hair, blue eyes
nice girl
Sodas girlfriend

Physical Traits
Character Traits
Sherri Valance (Cherry)
long red hair
non judgemental to greasers stands up for herself
the spy

short, dark hair

Randy's girlfriend

loud, tough lots of makeup, blonde


loud tough lots of makeup and blonde

Chapter 5
Read chapter 5 and discuss the following questions while reading. All students must post their answers to a blog post before class Tuesday:
  1. What did Johnny buy at the store? A week's supply of baloney, two loaves of bread, a box of matches.
  2. Describe how the boys changed their appearances. They’re going to bleach Horseman’s hair and cut both of their hair down.df
  3. How did Ponyboy and Johnny pass the time at the church? They read Gone with the Wind and played poker.
  4. What was the cause of Ponyboy’s illness on the 5th day at the church?  Ponyboy got sick from eating all candy bars and smoking on an empty stomach.
  5. How do you think Soda and Darry are feeling about Ponyboy being gone? They are sad and feeling terrible.
  6. What does Dally tell the boys about home? It’s an all out war between greasers and socs.
  7. Who is the spy Dally tells Pony about? It is Cherry.
  8. What are the results of Dally’s visit with the war council? They got a hold of the president of one of their social clubs.

Chapter 6-7
Put yourself into the story as a friend of Ponyboy's: 8
Consider the family dynamics of Pony, Darry, and Soda up through chapter 7.  Give Pony some advice on his relationship with Darry and the relationship of all three boys.  Consider Pony's current situation and scare about the uncertainty of his future.
As a friend I would tell Ponyboy that I’m there for him whenever he needs it. That even though his mom and dad are gone that his brothers are still there for him.
Additionally, give Pony some advice on what's going on with Johnny.  Consider what Johnny's fate could be and how Pony may feel about the end result.  How can you make him feel better without giving him false hope or making a promise you can't keep.  What should he do in the immediate future?  What advice can you offer to make him feel better about what's going on.
Tell him that its for the best. And everything that happens, happens for a reason and not to be scared about anything.

Create a definition of a hero as a group.  Analyze Johnny and Ponyboy - how do they fit as heroes?  Defend your answer with evidence from the book from their actions and inferences on who they are.
A hero is someone who helps you when you need it the most. Johnny and Ponyboy are heros because they saved the little kids in the fire when they needed help. Nobody would have thought that these two greasers from nowhere would have saved the kids from the burning church.

Chapter 8
Johnny is still not doing good. He can’t feel anything from his back on down. In chapter 8 they are talking about the rumble and nobody is going to do it and Ponyboy won’t because he thinks its useless. Cherry Valance doesn't like it. Dally can’t fight cause he is in the hospital. And Ponyboy got to see Johnny's mom and Johnny's mom and Johnny look the same, black hair and black eyes.

Chapter 10
Create a definition of gallant. A person that did a brave acts.
Is being gallant the same as being a hero?  Why or why not? You don’t have to be brave to have gallant acts.
Cite evidence from the text showing how Dally was gallant.  He ran out of the hospital to go help the other greasers fight. He went back in the church to help Johnny.
Decide if these actions also make him a hero or not and explain. We think that Dally isn’t a hero because he didn’t have that much impact on the fight. And he was the one that said for Johnny not to go into the church.

Chapter 11
Describe Pony's recovery.  What was wrong with him? Pony was beat up in the rumble and he went to go see Johnny and it was very depressing. He was denying that Johnny was dead and he was thinking that he killed Bob.
Who came to visit him?  Randy and other school friends.
What was significant about some of his visitors? They were socs and before didn’t get along with him.
What is the current standing of Pony and Darry's relationship? Soda doesn’t want any fighting anymore, so Darry agreed not to fight with anyone because Pony didn’t want to pick sides.

Chapter 12
Describe the outcome of Pony's hearing.  He was acquitted and the whole case was closed.  
Do you agree or disagree with the outcome?  We agree with the outcome because it wasn’t really Ponyboys fault on Bob’s death.  Ponyboy was being drowned and Johnny came up and stabbed Bob to save him.  
What do you learn about the purpose of the book and point of view in this chapter? The purpose of this book is that the greasers may seem bad but they really have feelings and care for one another. The point of view in this chapter is to teach a lesson.

Reaction to reading:
The only thing I didn't like is how it sometimes jumped around. It was kind of hard to follow. The story was good, but it was somewhat unrealistic. I did like it though. The author did pretty good for acting like she was a boy, because it fooled everyone for a decade. I think that's pretty funny. The style of writing was a little sloppy, but overall it was pretty good for a 17 year old. I thought the outcome was a little cheesy, everything being all perfect. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Chapter 8

Johnny is still not doing good. He can’t feel anything from his back on down. In chapter 8 they are talking about the rumble and nobody is going to do it and Ponyboy won’t because he thinks its useless. Cherry Valance doesn't like it. Dally can’t fight cause he is in the hospital. And Ponyboy got to see Johnny's mom and Johnny's mom and and him look the same, black hair and black eyes.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Chapter 6&7

Put yourself into the story as a friend of Ponyboy's: 8
Consider the family dynamics of Pony, Darry, and Soda up through chapter 7.  Give Pony some advice on his relationship with Darry and the relationship of all three boys.  Consider Pony's current situation and scare about the uncertainty of his future.
As a friend I would tell Ponyboy that I’m there for him whenever he needs it. That even though his mom and dad are gone that his brothers are still there for him.
Additionally, give Pony some advice on what's going on with Johnny.  Consider what Johnny's fate could be and how Pony may feel about the end result.  How can you make him feel better without giving him false hope or making a promise you can't keep.  What should he do in the immediate future?  What advice can you offer to make him feel better about what's going on.
Tell him that its for the best. And everything that happens, happens for a reason and not to be scared about anything.

Create a definition of a hero as a group.  Analyze Johnny and Ponyboy - how do they fit as heroes?  Defend your answer with evidence from the book from their actions and inferences on who they are.

A hero is someone who helps you when you need it the most. Johnny and Ponyboy are heros because they saved the little kids in the fire when they needed help. Nobody would have thought that these two greasers from nowhere would have saved the kids from the burning church.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Outsider's Chapter 5

  1. What did Johnny buy at the store? A week's supply of baloney, two loaves of bread, a box of matches.
  2. Describe how the boys changed their appearances. They’re going to bleach Horseman’s hair and cut both of their hair down.df
  3. How did Ponyboy and Johnny pass the time at the church? They read Gone with the Wind and played poker.
  4. What was the cause of Ponyboy’s illness on the 5th day at the church?  Ponyboy got sick from eating all candy bars and smoking on an empty stomach.
  5. How do you think Soda and Darry are feeling about Ponyboy being gone? They are sad and feeling terrible.
  6. What does Dally tell the boys about home? It’s an all out war between greasers and socs.
  7. Who is the spy Dally tells Pony about? It is Cherry.
  8. What are the results of Dally’s visit with the war council? They got a hold of the president of one of their social clubs.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Chapter 3&4

I think I would rather be a greaser because you can express yourself. If you were a soc, then you had to keep to yourself and not let emotion show. They lie about what they find interesting, like what Cherry said. Greasers feel to violently, and socks don't feel enough. The reasons I would rather be a greaser is because you are allowed to feel emotion. I don't like to be couped up.

The people that were there were Randy, Bob, three other socs, Ponyboy, and Johnny. These were the guys that beat up Johnny in the first place. The weapons that were used were the rings on the soc's fingers, Johnny's switchblade, and their fists. And a water fountain. The socs drove up in their Mustang and got out challenging the boys. The socs grabbed Horseman and dried to drown him in the fountain. But Johnny panicked and stabbed him thus killing him.
Charged with crime: Socs for assault and Johnny for murder. Drinking and driving for the socs.
Accomplices and witnesses: All witnesses and accomplice would be the drunk socs.
Roles: Everyone was assaulting each other and Johnny was the murderer.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

S.E Hinton Author Bio

-Information on the author's background:
-Susan Eloise Hinton was born in 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For education she attended the University of Tulsa. She enjoys reading and writing, but dislikes talking about her personal life. Her boyfriend is the one that she ended up marrying. She also said that the life of a writer isn’t very interesting. Some interesting facts about her life are that she was trained to be a teacher, but she never taught.

-A list of books the author has written: (include links or images of the books)
She has written a total of nine books; they are The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, That Was Then, This is Now, Taming the Star Runner, Hawks Harbor, Tex, Tim’s Stories, Big David, Little David, The Puppy Sister.

-A summary/generalization of what the author typically writes about (genre, characters, setting, plot, theme, etc), why she writes, and how she became successful:
She wasn’t satisfied with the young adult books of her age, so that inspired her to write more about it. She also said that almost always writes from a boy’s view because she said that they have fewer books written for them. Girls will read boy books, but boys won’t read girl books. The Outsiders gave her a lot of publicity and pressure, and that stopped her from writing for another three years. The was know as “The voice of the youth.”

-Awards, honors, accomplishments:
She was given the Margaret Edwards Young Adult Author Achievement Award in 1988, Massachusetts Children's Book Award. School Library Journal Best Books of the Year, ALA Best Books for Young Adults, and New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List and many more are also on the list of awards.

-A photo of the author:
S. E. Hinton

-A prediction of what you think "The Outsiders" will be like.  Do you think you will like or dislike the book?  Why?  What surprised you about SE Hinton in your research? I think I will like the book a lot because it is more attuned to our age and what we could have to deal with. I was surprised that Hinton was able to publish a book at such a young age.