Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reading Log P.110-120

After the ambush, the two SAS members and the Angel Squad were captured, but they thought the Angel Squad as brethren, so the squad got to test out their disguises. The ultimate test. And it worked. They got to go into the base to the heart of the plant.

Question: How painful were the surgeries they had undergone to make them look like the aliens were?

Reading Log P. 74-110

On the way over the hill, the traitor had killed Hunter. Also, they were talking about what they would've done if this war hadn't happened. The lieutenant had wanted to be a chef. Price (the stealthy one) came from a bad home. Monster (the strong one) said he would probably be drinking. The other two (Brogan- the nurse or medic, Wilton-the sharpshooter) didn't have time to say what they wanted to say before an ambush happened. It turns out two other humans were in the dessert also, and they thought the Angel Squad were the aliens (because they had surgeries and were dressed like them to infiltrate the base) and so they started firing upon them.

Vocab: Lingering- Staying there or hiding in one spot.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Reading Log P. 24-56

In these pages it just gives a little background on the Bzadians and how they came to Earth, why, etc. Also, the leader of the Angel Choir (protagonists) found out someone betrayed them. They cut the cord to their form of a parachute and the motherboard crashed. But it said all systems were okay. I think only the leader realizes what's going on. And, they have to walk a large amount of distance in the hot Australian sun, the freezing Australian moon, through sandstorms, and through the threat of a traitor. He's trying to decide who the traitor is too.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Reading Log P. 0-24

I started a new book called "The Assault." It is a pretty good book. I like it so far. It's semi-realistic. It's a little hard to believe, but after all, it is a fiction. It's about how aliens called Bzadians came to Earth after WWII to surveillance us. But soon after they launched an attack in Australia, where they were staying. Now a small group of a human militia. They just landed in Australia.

Question: What would we do if that happened to us?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

P. -365-374 Reading Log

The FAYZ wall finally went down. The gaiphage was killed by Little Pete after he entered Caine. Caine gave himself up willingly. I guess it's for redemption, but he said it was for a final glory. The wall went immediatly down after she (the gaiphage) died. And Sam finally killed Drake because all of the powers were lost and Drake couldn't regenerate.
The toll: 332 kids in the begging.
196 in the end. Fatality rate of over 40%.
Question: What will happen if another dome goes up again?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Monster Poem

I am from basketballs and T.V.
I am from cozy apartment on 20th street.
I am from the roses, the Chinese Elm whose long limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I am from Christmas dinner and big feet,
from Jerry and John.
I’m from church and family friend get togethers,
and from filmaking.
I’m from honesty and good-students, and from never giving up.
I’m from Thanksgiving dinners.
I’m from Harlem adn African American ancestery.
I’m from potato wedges and fried chicken,
from state track and tall, strong people.

I’m from gold hanging on the wall, which glitters like the sun.