Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Monster Poem

I am from basketballs and T.V.
I am from cozy apartment on 20th street.
I am from the roses, the Chinese Elm whose long limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I am from Christmas dinner and big feet,
from Jerry and John.
I’m from church and family friend get togethers,
and from filmaking.
I’m from honesty and good-students, and from never giving up.
I’m from Thanksgiving dinners.
I’m from Harlem adn African American ancestery.
I’m from potato wedges and fried chicken,
from state track and tall, strong people.

I’m from gold hanging on the wall, which glitters like the sun.


  1. I think you did a good job. I like how on the 2nd line you said that he is from 20th street. I think you did a good describing his life.

  2. Good job. I like how you added information where it was lacking in the book. I also liked your simile.
