Thursday, November 28, 2013

P. 170- 205 Reading Log

Halfway to the town, the coyotes were very hungry and attacked a kid wondering in the forest. One kid saw it and reported it to Sam. Sam called the emergency bell and everyone proceeded to the emergency boats. They are now waiting for Drake.

For the second time, the narration went to a part outside of the dome. It showed Sam's mom, and why she gave up Caine  (who was originally named David) for adoption and not Sam. And how that led to the reason they are what they are. Also, Connie (the mom) is seeing a military general. But the general doesn't know it's just for information. She found out that a while before the dome appeared and this all started, a nuclear response team came and was alerted that radiation had been leaked from a meteor that had crashed into the power plant.

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