Friday, January 31, 2014

Reading Log P. 144-152

Cai was sold to a man who knew his father well. His father sometimes spoke of him but never specified who he was. But now Cai isn't speaking to anybody. Cai found out he has royal blood, but wonders why his parents never spoke of it. He is still wondering about his family's past.
Question: What would it be like to be sold as a slave?

The Boy Who Dared

I'm using Mutti as my example because when Hugo was picking on Helmuth, she did absolutely nothing to stop it. She didn't side with her kids. She also didn't care about what they thought of Hugo. This impacted Helmuth's life because he could get in a fight with Hugo. That could him end up in jail. For him to end up in jail, Mutti doesn't stop him from listening to the radio or speaking out. It's like he doesn't even have a mother anymore.

Hitler's censorship because that took away all of his rights and books. He got mad over that because he wants his freedom. This impacted Helmuth's life because he wants his freedom and is strong headed. The shortwave radio that Gerhard gave to him will get him in trouble eventually.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Vocab Words

SS/SA soldier or officer- Nazi Soldier who is under the command of Hitler.
Kristallnacht- Night of the broken glass. A massive revolt the soldiers did.
Fuhrer-Leader (Hitler)
rationing- Each person getting a fixed amount of food.
Jungvolk-Hitler's Youth
censorship- Examining books and the practice of that.
Aryan- White supremacy.
informers- People who ratted out other people.
black market- Hidden market where people sold illegal things.
shortwave radio- Radio that stopped people from hearing certain things.
People's radio- Radio that everyone got and heard new from.
National Socialism- Political doctrine of Nazi Germany.

Helmuth's Attitude

When Helmuth is eight, he adores the soldiers. He doesn't think they do anything wrong. He believes in the Nazi's. He (like almost everyone else) believes that Hitler will bring a good change to everyone. The only thing Helmuth questions is why they don't like Jews. He himself likes Jews, and can't see why. He wants to be a soldier though.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Reading Log P.92-116

The ruler of the land has told Cai to flee from Constantinople because his family is in danger after this. But when he runs home to tell his family he gets hit in the back of the head and is captured. When he wakes up, he realizes he is on a slave ship. Cai try's to escape or at least hide somewhere on the ship. And he keeps hallucinating seeing his dead sister.
Vocab- Yearling- A colt or sheep that's a year old.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reading Log 1/26 P. 38-67

I mentioned Kaine was a hacker. Well he projected a message into the minds of all people that he is watching the VNS and everybody who is thinking of taking him down. But Michael won't give up. So he and his friends (Bryson and Sarah) go to this one guy who knows a lot of stuff. He told them to go to this club and find this woman called Ronika. So right now they just found Ronika.
Vocab.: Immaterial- Spiritual rather than physical.

Reading Log 1/26 P. 1-38

 I had to do a different book for these reading logs. They book I'm doing is called, "The Eye of Minds." The main character is Michael. And what everyone does in those is get on the VirtNet. This is basically a simulation game where you can do anything you want. You could be a vampire, dragon-slaying beast, or a monster. But everyone's favorite mode is Lifeblood. It's life. Just realistic, no fantasy or anything like that. But there is this hacker, Kaine. He is killing people in the Virtnet and then it kills them in the real world, which is supposed to be impossible. So the VNS has hired Michael to seek out Kaine and stop him.
Text-to-text: This book reminds me a lot about another book called Epic. It is basically the same thing except more limited.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reading Log

Cai's father has grounded him and put him in a dark room. Cai is claustrophobic and has troubles breathing. He keeps thinking of his sister Tecca and how she is dead. Cai feels he needs to get out to this royal guy's house because the royal guy is a traitor. And the Emperor of Thieves could harm Cai greatly. He now has to do his studies which he hasn't done for months.
Question: I wonder how realistic this book is?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Helmuth's Attitude

When Helmuth is eight, he adores the soldiers. He doesn't think they do anything wrong. He believes in the Nazi's. He (like almost everyone else) believes that Hitler will bring a good change to everyone. The only thing Helmuth questions is his view on Jews. He doesn't see what's wrong with them. The evidence I have is that he wants to be soldier when he grows up. He kind of defends Hitler when people talk about him. He also wants to go the parades and stuff like that too.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Paragraph and Vocab.

Third Reich - Third German Empire.
Treaty of Versailles - Treaty forced upon Germany by the Allied powers in the first Great War that said Germany had to take all of the blame and pay for damages.
Propaganda - misinformation spread about certain people.
Chancellor - A senior state or legal official.
Dictator - A ruler with complete power over their country.
Gestapo - Secret police force in Nazi Germany known for terrorist methods.
Compulsory - Obligation
Annex - Adding an extra part.
Ghetto - Slum area
Labor camp - Camp where workers lived.
Extermination camp - Camp where people were killed.
The Final Solution - Hitler's solution to the Jews to get rid of them.

In America, the blacks were separated from the whites kind of like the Jews from Germans, the difference is that our government didn't kill off blacks. But power was abused because blacks weren't allowed to do much. Power was restricted in much of the same way. But civil rights leader were silenced by the Ku Klux Klan silenced some. Some got thrown in jail. But people still spoke out in both. WWII's silences were a wee bit more violent (such as beheading) than the Civil Rights Movement but they were silenced all the same. 
Connections: In the Middle East, power was abused by the Syrian president killing his own people when they rebelled. He gassed his own people. He used chemical warfare which violates the UN. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reading Log

P. 49-98
After the fight, the goddess of the moon (Artemis) shows up and offers for Bianca to join her Hunt. They are a bunch of girls who are immortal who's main weapon is a bow. They vow to give up romantic life and other things like that for the rest of their life. Bianca said yes and joined them. Her brother Nico got mad and had a temper tantrum. Percy had a dream of where Annabeth was and now is off to save her.
Question: How long will Annabeth have to endure her punishment?

Reading Log

The Titan's Curse: P. 1-49
In the beginning of the third installment of the Percy Jackson series, Percy's mom has to drive him to a boarding school where two kids are unknowingly demigods and are being taken by an ancient monster. Percy charges into battle stupidly and gets beaten. While he's doing that, his friends take it down from behind, but the second most important character it taken down with it into the depths below. But when Percy has a dream that she survived, he sets out to find her.
Vocab: Overcompensate: Taking excessive measures to make up for something.

Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Questions

1. The Treaty of Versailles is signed. The previous president Paul von Hindenburg died. After that, Hitler became dictator. He spreaded propaganda and the communists and Jews. He had simple at first taking away their rights. The Nuremberg Laws were then enacted. The night of the broken glass signaled as the beginning of the end for the Jews.

  1. Germany had to accept the blame for WW1.
  2. Germany had to pay 6.6 billion dollars for the damages during the war.
  3. Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force.
  4. Germany could have a navy of only six ships.
  5. Germany could not have an army over 100,000
  6. In addition germany could not place any troops in Rhineland.

3. The German empire.

  1. Speech.
  2. Found guilty of treason
  3. German Parliament passed Enabling Act, which gives Hitler dictatorial powers.
  4. He made himself look good at the Olympics and everywhere.

5. He killed millions of Jews. He violated the Treaty of Versailles by invading Poland and other nearby questions. Moved Jews to ghettos.

6. Stalingrad, Pearl harbor, Invasion of Poland, construction of camps, Kristallnacht, Operation Reinhard. The first three were military battles that significantly changed WWII. Without the invasion of Poland, WWII never would’ve started. Pearl Harbor got the United States involved with the war. The other three showed Hitler’s hatred for Jews.

7. Over the course of a couple years, the extermination camps are tore down and trees planted. The Allies reach Berlin and the other concentration camps. They freed some Jews but 2,000,000 Jews had already died at Auschwitz. Himmler and Hitler both commit suicide, but at different times. All of the generals and commander were rounded up and either executed or they committed suicide.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reading Log

P. 1-16 I started a new book called Bloodline Rising. It takes place in the seventh century in Constantinople  It is about a thief who rules the thief underworld. In the beginning it shows Cai talking to a chariot men. The chariot man had gambled and lost money. The only way to get it back is to race and sabotage the other guy's. But the people will know somehow.
Vocab-borne- It means carried or tranported by.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Holocaust Day 1

Frank (ann)
Many dying
Youth of Hitler

The traits of a person could easily define if someone lived or died. If you were small and weak, the most likely concentration camp you would be sent to is the extermination camp. Minor traits like blonde hair and blue eyes could also determine your fate. Major traits like looking like a Jewish person could kill you too. Silence was used effectively to make sure no one spoke out. They had the camps and the Gestapo. If no one knew what was going on, nobody would object.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Reading Log

After reading the letter that his friends sent him, Will decided to take on his goddaughter Maddie as a Ranger Apprentice. When the Queen received the summons that Maddie was accepted she sent her over to the correct region. She arrived on the right day, just not the right hour. She was three hours late. She was thinking the entire time that she would be able to wrap Will around her finger. She met an unexpected surprise. Will was gruff. He had turned sad and depressed after his wife died. She turned out to be unbearable. She had been extremely rude to an old friend of Will's, and at that point, she was disowned as a princess. That made her get her act together. Question: What will make Maddie act better?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Reading Log

P. 30-76
First Gilan wanted to see Halt and talk about Will who use to be bright and cheerful, but now that his wife is dead he has become depressed. They suggested that Madelyn (the unbearable princess daughter) become an apprentice. Now Will is going over that idea. His house was a mess. Now he is hunting down the crooks that killed his wife.
Why is revenge so powerful?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Reading log

I just started a new book. It is called the Royal Ranger. It is the 12th book in the series. All of the other ones were really good and I was excited for this one. It started out with Will (the main character) catching a criminal in a bar. Then it switched over to the Princess and how she sneaks out of the castle. She got chewed out. And Hault and his wife Pauline have to go to a castle and meet the current king. Question: Were there really Ranger's in this time period?