Monday, January 20, 2014

Paragraph and Vocab.

Third Reich - Third German Empire.
Treaty of Versailles - Treaty forced upon Germany by the Allied powers in the first Great War that said Germany had to take all of the blame and pay for damages.
Propaganda - misinformation spread about certain people.
Chancellor - A senior state or legal official.
Dictator - A ruler with complete power over their country.
Gestapo - Secret police force in Nazi Germany known for terrorist methods.
Compulsory - Obligation
Annex - Adding an extra part.
Ghetto - Slum area
Labor camp - Camp where workers lived.
Extermination camp - Camp where people were killed.
The Final Solution - Hitler's solution to the Jews to get rid of them.

In America, the blacks were separated from the whites kind of like the Jews from Germans, the difference is that our government didn't kill off blacks. But power was abused because blacks weren't allowed to do much. Power was restricted in much of the same way. But civil rights leader were silenced by the Ku Klux Klan silenced some. Some got thrown in jail. But people still spoke out in both. WWII's silences were a wee bit more violent (such as beheading) than the Civil Rights Movement but they were silenced all the same. 
Connections: In the Middle East, power was abused by the Syrian president killing his own people when they rebelled. He gassed his own people. He used chemical warfare which violates the UN. 

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