Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Questions

1. The Treaty of Versailles is signed. The previous president Paul von Hindenburg died. After that, Hitler became dictator. He spreaded propaganda and the communists and Jews. He had simple at first taking away their rights. The Nuremberg Laws were then enacted. The night of the broken glass signaled as the beginning of the end for the Jews.

  1. Germany had to accept the blame for WW1.
  2. Germany had to pay 6.6 billion dollars for the damages during the war.
  3. Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force.
  4. Germany could have a navy of only six ships.
  5. Germany could not have an army over 100,000
  6. In addition germany could not place any troops in Rhineland.

3. The German empire.

  1. Speech.
  2. Found guilty of treason
  3. German Parliament passed Enabling Act, which gives Hitler dictatorial powers.
  4. He made himself look good at the Olympics and everywhere.

5. He killed millions of Jews. He violated the Treaty of Versailles by invading Poland and other nearby questions. Moved Jews to ghettos.

6. Stalingrad, Pearl harbor, Invasion of Poland, construction of camps, Kristallnacht, Operation Reinhard. The first three were military battles that significantly changed WWII. Without the invasion of Poland, WWII never would’ve started. Pearl Harbor got the United States involved with the war. The other three showed Hitler’s hatred for Jews.

7. Over the course of a couple years, the extermination camps are tore down and trees planted. The Allies reach Berlin and the other concentration camps. They freed some Jews but 2,000,000 Jews had already died at Auschwitz. Himmler and Hitler both commit suicide, but at different times. All of the generals and commander were rounded up and either executed or they committed suicide.

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