Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Harlem Herald Report

The Harlem Herald
Crime Catchers Column

As one of the Prosecution's witnesses plead guilty, the State now has a serious advantage in this case of murder of Alguinaldo Nesbitt. Steve Harmon and James King are on trial for murder of him. Richard “Bobo” Evans and Osvaldo Cruz were in the robbery as well and they plead guilty.
If they hadn’t done so, it would’ve made the State’s side nearly impossible to rule against them. But Richard “Bobo” Evans did. On the Defensive side is O’Brien defending Steve Harmon, and on the prosecution side is Petrocelli. Briggs is defending James King also. Richard “Bobo” Evans enters the court with his prison suit on. Petrocelli, Briggs, and O’Brien cross examined Richard “Bobo” Evans to state events about the crime and to find out more about the crime.

“Bobo” said that he knew James King all his life and that he knew Steve before the robbery. Petrocelli then asks why he is wearing his prison outfit. Richard then says, “I’m doing a heavy and a half up at Greenhaven.” Heavy and a half means seven and a half to 10 years. He is doing the time for selling drugs.

Petrocelli then asks if he has been arrested before. “Bobo” says that he has been arrested for breaking and entering, grand theft auto, and on time for taking a car radio and another time for fighting a guy and the guy died during the fight, so he got charged for manslaughter.

Petrocelli asks about the plan of the robbery. She asks “Bobo” who gave him the sign that everything was okay and he pointed to Steve Harmon. He then says that they got into a pickle with the guy behind the counter and James King shot him with the gun Nesbitt had. They then grabbed what they wanted and split.

Briggs then asked what they did after the robbery. “Bobo” says that he and James went to a fast-food place to eat. Richard “Bobo” Evans then says that he had nothing to eat all day which is why they went to the fast-food place.

O’Brien asks if he has had a conversation with Mr. Harmon after the robbery. “Bobo” says that he didn’t and that Steve is one of James’s friends. He gets asked what would Steve have done if there were cops in the store. “Bobo” says that he didn’t know, that he was supposed to do something. O’Brien asks that if he had a gun when he entered the store and “Bobo” says no. O’Brien also points out that even trying to rob a store of any kind is a felony and that’s automatically a 20 year sentence. 

We will keep you more updated as the trial continues. 

Update after July 15th: Accused Steve Harmon was on trial today for murder of Alguinaldo as previously stated. One thing different about Steve's testimony was that he said he wasn't at the drugstore. He looked pretty suspicious in the juror's eyes. He said he had nothing to do but small talk before the stick up happened. Steve also stated that he was looking for something to do his film project on. He said that he was just wandering around that day. He doesn't remember specifically. He said that he has talked to Osvaldo Cruz about playing ball and what’s going on in the neighborhood. But nothing much more than that. But everyone else said that he had something to do with it. Dorothy Moore is the cousin of James King and she said that she got a lamp from him at the time of the shooting. That was the alibi of James. She also stated that he did not have a job and did not know where he got the money/lamp from. George Nipping said that James King was left handed because he went and bought him a baseball glove but had to return it because James King was left handed. Nippings said that he estimated that James was 17 or 18 years old. Mr. Sawicki (Steve's film mentor) had a project due for Steve and he had to get that done.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a good job on adding a lot of details and you described things well
