Thursday, November 7, 2013

Play Thank You

           A big thank you to Mr. Faris for letting us come to the play and watch the performance. It was very good and it makes me want to be in a play. I thought it was very well written too. The costumes all matched perfectly with the time period. It also looks like you put a lot of time and effort into it. The Chinese speaking was cool because that's learning a whole new foreign language that sounds nothing like English. I also like how the actors put a lot of singing effort into it.
        My favorite actor was Ms. Meers. She was creepy when she said "all arone in da world." The accent was wonderful too. The Chinese guys went along with the story well. Our teacher showed us some parts of the movie and I thought it was pretty similar to the movie.
       It looked like the play took a lot of memorizing also. A lot. I couldn't even dream about memorizing all of that. But it still makes me want to go out for it though. I found very few mistakes in it too. But I didn't catch them until we talked about it in class. Overall I thought it was an excellent play.

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