Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reading Log P. 236-246

Cai finds out the godparent of Thorn (the girl he likes) is his grandparent. He yells "I hate you!" at Wulf. Wulf slapped him because that's what they used to do. He is very jealous of Cenry the one who is supposed to be wed to Thorn. He is fuming right now.
Question: What will the grandparent and Cai talk about?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Reading Log P. 1-30

I started this book called the "Scorpio Races." It is a good book so far. It takes place in a modern time on a island where there is vicious water horses. And once a year, people decide to ride them for money. Every year, at least one person dies because they are so vicious. They tear arms off, eat people alive, and a whole bunch of other stuff like that. In the prologue Sean (the main character) watches his father die in a race. Puck (the other main character) hears her brother tell her that he's leaving so she makes him stay by saying she's entering the race.
Eviscerated- disembowel

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wanted Poster

Description: Jewish servant. He’s a doctor. He was quite a small man, and very skinny too, with long fingers and angular features.
Age: 55
Occupation: He’s a cook that peels vegetables but he could be a doctor.
Living Space: Works for Bruno’s family but also works in the concentration camp.
Personality: He’s a nice man who helps out with the house.

Reading Log P. 212-236

Wulf asks Cai if he wants to spy on a different leader of a clan. His name is Orhan. Cai has a mysterious gift that he can get people to say what he wants. He brought out the true love of Cenry and Cenry called him witch. When they arrived at the home of Orhan, they introduce each other. They are a little paranoid so they blindfold them everywhere they go. Cai is afraid that he will be sold as another slave again.
Kinsman- (in anthropological or formal use) one of a person's blood relations, esp. a male.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Boy in Striped Pajamas

Chapter 1-4
Bruno- The main character and it is about him.
Mother- Kind of strict and doesn't care about Bruno's friends.
Father- Really strict. Mistreats maids and other people.
Gretel- Sister of Bruno. Mean to him.
Maria- Maid. She liked the flowers back at the old house. She was a big impact because she basically helped raise him. She is afraid to voice her opinion. Part of the family. She says that Father is always right. She was a homeless person before Father took her in.
Grandma- She was a dresser. An amazing one. Her son paid for all of the maid’s expenses. He seems nicer than Bruno lets on.
Karl, Daniel, Martin- Old friends of Bruno.
Hilda, Isabel, Louise- Old friends of Gretel.

While reading, compare and contrast Bruno's new house with his old house.  What are some of the most striking differences about this new place and perhaps not just with the physical changes: Three story house and he complains about it. RICH. 64 glasses for parties. He doesn’t like this house. He said it will never be home.8

Who are these new people in his house?  There are three more servants. An old guy, and three women who talk in whispers to each other. A young blonde man too. Maybe a soldier.

Describe what Bruno saw out his window in chapter 3: He sees a forest outside. With people in it. He said the people don’t look nice. Could be Auschwitz.

Describe Bruno and Gretel's relationship: Thinks it would make more sense if they left her behind. Scared of her. Selfish. Unpleasant friends. She yells at him unjustly.

What statements or actions so far show Bruno's innocence and naivety: He is still fighting the part about moving. He doesn’t care about the father’s job.

Chapter 4-Chapter 6

Identify other ways Bruno's life has changed in his new home: There is more restrictions. Fenced in. Huge wooden poles. They can notice the camp better. There is new

What do you notice about Mother's attitude thus far. She doesn’t want to leave the house in Berlin. She didn’t want the Fury to come. She wants to go back to Berlin.

Where is Bruno's new home? In the countryside, excluded from any cities.   

How do you feel about raising a family here? I think that it would be a pain to keep the concentration camp a secret. I wouldn’t my kids seeing that. Also I would want my kids to have a good education because they don’t have any schools around. I would want my kids to have other kids to play with so they can develop social skills.  

What other clues about the setting do you learn in chapter 5? They aren’t in a huge city. They think they see the countryside, but it’s Auschwitz.

Share more examples of Bruno and Gretel's innocence and naivety: That their is huge poles and they don’t suspect or question it. He thinks the houses are his just because he can see them. Gretel thinks it is the countryside. They think that the people are farmers below at first. Now, they don’t think so. They don’t comprehend the bandages and what that means. The kids are dirty and Gretel despise them for that. Also the office is restricted and he doesn’t suspect that.
Chapter 6-7
What does this tell you about Father's character? He paid for all of the maid’s expenses. He seems nicer than Bruno lets on. He took in Maria. And when her mother got sick, he paid for all of the expenses. He cares about her.

How does this compare with Father's current actions? The maid seemed surprised that Father would do such things like participate in the Holocaust.
Chapter 7-8

Lt. Kotler- Young officer that Bruno feels uncomfortable around. Gretel likes him. A lot. Really mean to Jews and servants. Just plain nasty. Blonde, with comb lines parting through the hair. Well built with muscles that Bruno is jealous of.

Pavel- Jewish servant that helped Bruno with the tire and rope swing. Helped heal Bruno after the fall. He’s a doctor. He was quite a small man, and very skinny too, with long fingers and angular features. He was older than Father but younger than Grandfather.

Wanted Poster:
Description: Jewish servant. He’s a doctor. He was quite a small man, and very skinny too, with long fingers and angular features.
Age: 55
Occupation: He’s a cook that peels vegetables but he is a doctor.
Living Space: Works for Bruno’s family, but lives in concentration camp.
Personality: He’s a nice man who helps out with the house.

Chapter 8-10

Mother/Father They love each other but Mother thinks the things that Father is wrong
Bruno/Gretel- Tend to fight a lot but love each other deep inside their hearts. He calls her a lost cause.
Grandmother/Father-They fight a lot because she doesn't like what he has become.
Grandmother/Mother Mother is jealous of grandmother because whenever grandmother comes over and sings she always leaves the room
Grandmother/Grandfather- They disagree with each other about their son and grandfather is proud of his son.
Grandmother/Bruno- Love each other because she lets them do plays for the family and he gets to dress up in costumes.
Lt. Kotler/Gretel- It’s a one way street. Gretel flirts with him, but he doesn’t back.
Lt. Kotler/Father-Koter works for his father and his father thinks he is a good man.

Chapter 9
Write a paragraph explaining how Bruno has changed in his time at "Out-With". He’s grown a little more pessimistic during his time there. He also decided to explore outside. He complains that the house isn’t big enough. He is learning new things and his teacher is making a big impact on how he thinks of things. He is so bored that he has decided to go to the place that is Out of Bounds and No Exceptions.

Chapter 10
Describe Bruno and Shmuel's first meeting.  Compare and Contrast the two boys:  
Bruno thought him as a stranger and he was always taught to approach strangers with the fact that they might be dangerous.They were both questionable about each other and Bruno has identified him as a small skinny boy with sad eyes. Bruno has never seen a sadder person in his life. They both think their names are very wierd but they like each other names. Bruno and Shmuel's figure out that they both have the same birthday and are both 9. Bruno figures out the Shmuel is from Poland and has never heard of Berlin. Shmuel tells Bruno about his past and where he came from. He says that the place he came from was a lot nicer place than where he is now, but Bruno said that Berlin was a much nicer place than where he came from for sure. Bruno feels that Shmuel and him will become friends and that they will just have to agree to disagree.

Chapter 11-13
Find details about Hitler that the author uses in Chapter 11.  Determine if these are accurate - cite at least two sources to confirm your information.  Consider his physical description as well as details about his life that are included within Hitler's visit to Bruno's home.yu
The mustache was so short that it looks like he missed it.
Fury was far shorter and a tiny mustache He looked weaker than father. short Dark hair. He was very rude.

Bruno's question for Schmuel:  "Why are there so many people on that side of the fence?  And what are you all doing there?" He tiptoes around the question of what they do, but he tells his personal story. About who he gets there.

Does he give a correct interpretation of what happened to his family? Yes, he does. The cattle cars were accurate, but he doesn’t really understand what they really do there.

Add more details of what brought them to Auschwitz and what they are all doing on that side of the fence:
Shmuel had to go to the ghetto and live in a small apartment with another family then they were moved to Auschwitz where they live very poorly and were fed very little.

Explain what the two symbols are that the boys talk about on page 127.  Cite a source to confirm your answer.

The star he drew was the star of david and the nazi sign

Chapter 13
Describe ways Bruno is still showing he is confused as to what is going on around him: He asks maria about Pavel history. Maria tells him something that he has to keep to himself. He keeps asking what Shmuel means when he says something. HE’S STUPID.

Describe the events involving Pavel at dinner: Pavel dropped a bottle of wine on top of Kotler, and Kotler got mad and proceeded to beat Pavel up.

What can you infer about Lt. Kotler based on the conversation when he was over for dinner?  I think Lt.
Kotler is a Jew and he fakes it. His father might have been taken to a concentration camp. He took out his anger on Pavel.

Why did he really choose to beat Pavel? He wanted to show he was a tough man. He might have been bitter about it. He wanted to show he didn’t like Jews.
Chapter 14-15
Describe how Bruno and Shmuel's friendship has blossomed up to this point.
Bruno had come to see shmuel every single day, and every day Bruno visited he asked him to crawl under the fence and come play with him on this side. Shmuel also told him what had happened when they got there and explained more about his life. He actually lied for him because he accidently told Gretel about it but he covered it up. He said that Shmuel is an imaginary friend and tells Gretel all about what he talks to him about and what he tells them.

Find further evidence of Bruno's innocence and how naive he is.
He doesn’t realized how Shmuel gets the black eye and doesn’t realize that a three story house is pretty big. He doesn’t understand why Shmuel came to his house to clean the glasses. He didn’t understand what would happen if Shmuel was caught eating.

What is going on with Mother in recent chapters and up through chapter 15?
She has been really quiet. She hasn’t done much for anybody. All she is doing right now is preparing for the party.

Why did Bruno react the way he did to Shmuel being in the kitchen?  What do you think this did to Shmuel and their friendship? Bruno was eating and Shmuel was staring. Bruno convinced Shmuel to eat some chicken because Bruno felt sorry for him. Shmuel tried to refuse but he ended up eating the chicken. Now Shmuel forgives him and all is well.
Chapter 16-17
*What happened to Grandmother? She died.

How do you think this will impact Father? I don't think Father will care because they always fighted and they were not very close but father also will feel something inside him change.

Think back to earlier in the book and explain why? She made the plays that Bruno likes a lot. He also likes the costumes.

What are medicinal sherries? It’s a type of alcoholic drink.

Why would mother need them? Lt. Kotler could have been doing something to her. She could be feeling bad about the Jews and what Father is doing to them.

Why does she need fewer of them now? Because they are leaving the camp.

Explain what happens to Lt. Kotler and why this happened: He got demoted and moved. His father was a Jew and he was lying.

*How would Grandmother feel about flowers from the Fury?  How do you know? I think Grandmother would be very angered at the Fury because she never agreed with him and she blames him for the change of her son.

*How do you notice Gretel is changing at this point? She is acting different and her room is different because she doesn't have the dolls anymore and doesn't pin stuff to the walls.She also doesn't teez him as much as she use to and is much more polite.

*What is significant about Shmuel and Bruno's friendship at this point? They now are both bald. But now Bruno has to move.

*What do you continue to notice about Mother and Father? They are arguing about what he is doing

*Analyze Bruno's thinking of assuming he looks like Shmuel at the end of 16. Bruno had to have all of his hair cut off because he and Gretel got lice. Bruno is sad now because he misses his hair. This is probably why he can sneak in.

*Summarize the changes that chapter 17 will bring about?  What problems will this cause for Bruno?  mother said it wasn't a suitable place to raise a child and is going to leave father. So they are now leaving the camp and mother and Gretel are happy.

Evaluate author's craft in these final three chapters (you may consider earlier chapters as well).  Determine likes, dislikes, improvements you think could be made, or things you question within the reading: I don’t like how stupid Bruno was. He just climbed over thinking nothing was wrong when they all were starved and soldiers with guns. Grammar was bad. But I liked how it showed first hand how Jews were mistreated.

Explain your reaction to how the book ended. I think the ending was pretty good. I like how father found out what happened. He didn't put up a fight. If I was in the same spot, I wouldn't have put up a fight.

Consider the messages you think the author wants the reader to take away.  Take into consideration the concepts of power and friendship - what lessons can be learned from the themes found within this book?

Don't fall into peer pressure because Bruno wanted to go home but then Smuhl wanted him to stay because he promised him that they would look for father together. Also use common sense. It’s good to be loyal to your friend, but there is a limit to how loyal you have to be. You should always stay true to your friends and listen to your guts.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Reading Log P. 232-263

I am back to Divided We Fall. Things in America have escalated quickly and badly. President Rodriguez and Governor Montiane have gotten in a huge fight. People are still mad over the Battle of Boise. The President has called every Idaho national to report for federal duty, but Gov. Montaine said that you can either quit, report to the Feds., or report to the National Guard. He is conflicted in what to do because if he quits, he is a traitor to both sides, and if he joins one side, he is a traitor to the other.
Question: Will America ever get as bad as this?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Reading Log P. 200-212

Wulf was talking about Essa, Cai's dad. They said that he walks and stalks like a pro, just like Cai. They said that the two are very similar. It sounds like it's true. Also, they both seem to have powers of persuasion to get what they want. He tried it on his friend and it worked. His dad seemed to be able to do it with animals. It's kind of creepy.
Heathen- One who do does not belong to a widely-held religious belief.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Helmuth Final Thoughts

     As the Nazi Party gained numbers in the political house, new but subtle rules began to be forced upon Jews in Germany. Helmuth wanted to be a soldier until he saw the beating of Herr Seligman. Then he started to question the Nazi's. He still wanted to help out so he started Lord Lister's Detective Agency. He landed one guy in jail with this. So he decided to stop. He had to join the Jungvolk and he kind of liked it. Then his mom met Hugo and Helmuth never really got along with him. His mom married because him because I think she wanted safety and security. She never stuck up for Helmuth and that made him feel like he didn't have a mother. When she married Hugo, Helmuth and him got in a minor fight. The radio also influenced Helmuth a lot. Every night he would listen to the radio and right a pamphlet about what he heard. His friends would pass them around town. One day, at his job, the Gestapo stormed in and demanded to see Helmuth. He was tortured to give up names and got his friends in trouble. But at court, he was talking back and made it seem like he was the ringleader. So he got the death punishment and the rest got jail time. He has no regrets and is proud of what he did. The theme of this story is to never give up and go with what your gut instincts say.

*How do you feel about Helmuth's death?  Was it worth giving up his life for what he accomplished?: Yes, I think he died an honorable death. He saved his friends and his church probably believes that is the greatest thing you can do. I also believed that he told some people the truth.

*What did you think of the format of the book (written in flashbacks)?  Did you like it?  Was it helpful? I liked it in the flashback because it leaves you in a cliffhanger and able to predict what happens. It also makes you wonder what jails were like back then.

*Do you think Karl, Rudi, and Gerhard Duwer were less guilty than Helmuth?  Explain why or why not. I think they were just as guilty but he made it seem like it was the opposite in court. They willingly participated in the pamphlets. 

*Do you think it was fair that Helmuth died while the others got prison time?  I don't want anyone to die, but I don't think it was fair. I'm glad that they didn't die, but still. 

*What impact (do you think) did Helmuth's death have on his mother? I don't think it impacted her lifelong. She probably weeped for a while, but got over it. And she also didn't do it in front of Hugo. She probably thought she should have done something.

What impact (do you think) Helmuth's death had on his brother Gerhard? Gerhard probably wishes he could take the radio back. Survivor's guilt. He shouldn't have come home or anything. That's what he thinks. He also probably doesn't like the Nazi government anymore.

I really liked the story but the ending is sad. It is inspiring. It makes you want to stand up and fight back. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reading Log P. 176-192

As Cai runs away, he is caught and tells his life story to his owner. He explains he must get back to his father who might be dead. He dreams of his sister and his father. In his dreams, his father is dead, but in real life, he might not be. Cai wants to go back and check but his owner Wulf won't let him. Cai is devastated that he won't let him. I have just started part three. He starts to learn the ways of the British tribes.
Charioteer- Man who drives chariots.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Helmuth- He is the main character. This is who the story's about.
Hans- His older brother. 
Gerhald- Brother of Helmuth. Might get him in jail with the radio.
Mutti- Mother of Helmuth. Acted like she wasn't even Helmuth's mother in the end. She never stuck up for him.
Oma- Grandparent of Helmuth. Helmuth moved in with them. 
Opa-  Grandparent of Helmuth. Helmuth moved in with them. 
Hugo- "Father" of Helmuth. He doesn't like him. Might get him in trouble.
Brother Worbs- Landed himself in jail by talking his opinions. Might impact Helmuth to make a move.
Karl- Helmuth's friend that hands out the flyers and does the underground newspaper.
Rudi- Friend of Helmuth that listens to the radio with him and does the underground newspaper.
Benno Selligman- Jewish kid that quit the school Helmuth goes to.
Herr Selligman_ Baker that got beat up because he was erasing Jewith propaganda off of his windows.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reading Log P. 32-66

Once he gets to the riot, they give his M4 live ammunition to use against the people if it gets out of hand. And it does. The National Guard (his squad) throws tear gas into the crowds. But when they do that, someone chucks a rock at Danny and his finger jerks and pulls the trigger. That shot may have hit someone and now the entire country is mad at Idaho's Governor because he's not persecuting the soldiers. Even Danny's girlfriend is mad at the soldiers. But she doesn't know he was in there.
Valedictorian- Top in class.

Reading Log P. 1-32

This a different book called "Divided We Fall". It is about a boy who enlisted in the Idaho National Guard because his father did and he wants to serve and protect his country. He has a great life already, but he missed most of his summer training but he didn't mind that. His mother suffers from panic attacks and so he has to help her out. This book takes place in a future and terrible America. And he is called to a riot to protect.
Question: Is this how bad America will get?