Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wanted Poster

Description: Jewish servant. He’s a doctor. He was quite a small man, and very skinny too, with long fingers and angular features.
Age: 55
Occupation: He’s a cook that peels vegetables but he could be a doctor.
Living Space: Works for Bruno’s family but also works in the concentration camp.
Personality: He’s a nice man who helps out with the house.


  1. You have accurate information from the book, but did not include your opinion on the type of person Pavel is beyond clues from the text.

  2. 2 Good things: good description, detailed on occupation
    2 Bad things: the picture made him look super old, be more sure in what you’re putting about him.

  3. You kind of forgot to put your opinion on what Pavel was like. Maybe a little more detail on what he is like as a person. A good description of what he is like in the book. Your picture matched what you said for your description.

  4. Good Things
    1. Good Information
    2. A lot of Information

    Bad Things
    1. Didnt included his age, only said old
    2. Need different text color.

  5. Pavel was a doctor, he isn’t anymore, now he is a person who peels vegetables. You did good describing how he looks. You should have included more about his age. He should put how he feels about him.
