Thursday, February 6, 2014

Helmuth Final Thoughts

     As the Nazi Party gained numbers in the political house, new but subtle rules began to be forced upon Jews in Germany. Helmuth wanted to be a soldier until he saw the beating of Herr Seligman. Then he started to question the Nazi's. He still wanted to help out so he started Lord Lister's Detective Agency. He landed one guy in jail with this. So he decided to stop. He had to join the Jungvolk and he kind of liked it. Then his mom met Hugo and Helmuth never really got along with him. His mom married because him because I think she wanted safety and security. She never stuck up for Helmuth and that made him feel like he didn't have a mother. When she married Hugo, Helmuth and him got in a minor fight. The radio also influenced Helmuth a lot. Every night he would listen to the radio and right a pamphlet about what he heard. His friends would pass them around town. One day, at his job, the Gestapo stormed in and demanded to see Helmuth. He was tortured to give up names and got his friends in trouble. But at court, he was talking back and made it seem like he was the ringleader. So he got the death punishment and the rest got jail time. He has no regrets and is proud of what he did. The theme of this story is to never give up and go with what your gut instincts say.

*How do you feel about Helmuth's death?  Was it worth giving up his life for what he accomplished?: Yes, I think he died an honorable death. He saved his friends and his church probably believes that is the greatest thing you can do. I also believed that he told some people the truth.

*What did you think of the format of the book (written in flashbacks)?  Did you like it?  Was it helpful? I liked it in the flashback because it leaves you in a cliffhanger and able to predict what happens. It also makes you wonder what jails were like back then.

*Do you think Karl, Rudi, and Gerhard Duwer were less guilty than Helmuth?  Explain why or why not. I think they were just as guilty but he made it seem like it was the opposite in court. They willingly participated in the pamphlets. 

*Do you think it was fair that Helmuth died while the others got prison time?  I don't want anyone to die, but I don't think it was fair. I'm glad that they didn't die, but still. 

*What impact (do you think) did Helmuth's death have on his mother? I don't think it impacted her lifelong. She probably weeped for a while, but got over it. And she also didn't do it in front of Hugo. She probably thought she should have done something.

What impact (do you think) Helmuth's death had on his brother Gerhard? Gerhard probably wishes he could take the radio back. Survivor's guilt. He shouldn't have come home or anything. That's what he thinks. He also probably doesn't like the Nazi government anymore.

I really liked the story but the ending is sad. It is inspiring. It makes you want to stand up and fight back. 

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