Monday, February 3, 2014


Helmuth- He is the main character. This is who the story's about.
Hans- His older brother. 
Gerhald- Brother of Helmuth. Might get him in jail with the radio.
Mutti- Mother of Helmuth. Acted like she wasn't even Helmuth's mother in the end. She never stuck up for him.
Oma- Grandparent of Helmuth. Helmuth moved in with them. 
Opa-  Grandparent of Helmuth. Helmuth moved in with them. 
Hugo- "Father" of Helmuth. He doesn't like him. Might get him in trouble.
Brother Worbs- Landed himself in jail by talking his opinions. Might impact Helmuth to make a move.
Karl- Helmuth's friend that hands out the flyers and does the underground newspaper.
Rudi- Friend of Helmuth that listens to the radio with him and does the underground newspaper.
Benno Selligman- Jewish kid that quit the school Helmuth goes to.
Herr Selligman_ Baker that got beat up because he was erasing Jewith propaganda off of his windows.

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