Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Walter Dean Myer's Purpose for Writing

I think Walter Dean Myers tries to connect with the kids who read his books. He writes books that kids want to read. He does that because he believes that kids need to read to be successful. Harlem I think is an interesting city with a lot of different cultures. I bet there are more than just the African (116th street) and modern cultures (125th street) there too. It didn't show the bad stuff though. Like kids smoking or bullies robbing people or beating them up. It happens, but the world doesn't know it.


  1. I agree for his purpose to writing and to inspire kids and you could include more about the culture

  2. I agree with his purpose to want kids to read and that kids need to read to be successful. You could show which streets the American and African American cultures are on.

  3. First off you have no title. Yes you are right about his purpose for reading. The video didn't show bad stuff because it was an advertising comerrical
