Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Where I'm from Poem

I am from Tide
from dusty fans and Sweet-smelling Lysol
I am from the Openness,
hot rooms, lingering lemony-lime scent.
I am from the grass and weeds
and from the mighty Mulberry tree
whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.
I’m from going to my grandma’s and eyeglasses
and from Duane and Beth.
I’m from sleeping in and academics
and from a Catholic-filled family.
I’m  from Santa Claus and fairy tales
and from not giving up.
I’m from Carroll, Iowa and a proud, Irish background
from the ever-present hamburgers and orange julius
I’m from first ever state track champion from Kuemper,
and from oil paintings from my dad’s grandma
on our wondrous Walls.

These are the things that I’m from, the things that will never be forgotten. I will cherish these with all my heart till the end of my days.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a good job including everything about you and your family
