Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Paragraphs about P. 20-40

Each of the lawyers want their side to be right. The prosecution wants to make Steve and the others look really bad and criminally mischievous. But the defense on the other hand wants to make the witnesses and the people testifying on the prosecution side to look criminally mischievous. The prosecution has some criminals testifying for them. And one of them is really desperate to get out of a bad situation. That's bad for them. 

 I would be terrified if I were in Steve's shoes right now. I would almost do anything to make sure I'm found not guilty. Especially if I didn't do it. I also want to know why Evans isn't on there. He was part of the crime. Also, Steve is a juvenile and I don't think juveniles should be put on Death Row. I think that if it is a bad enough crime, adults should be put on Death Row. But they should wait for the juvenile to grow up and realize what s/he has done before they kill him/her.

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