Friday, April 4, 2014

The Giver

Myrin Millard

Nicholas John Streit
Tanner Riesberg
Tyler Lee Mohr
Aaron Planck Peters

Chapter 2
• How would you feel not to have your own individual birthday? I wouldn’t feel special. I would feel like I was block in the Lego box.

• If you were attending the Ceremony of Twelve with Jonas, what Assignment do you think the Elders would select for you?

Nick- Engineer
Aaron-Theoretical Physicists
Miles- Physicist
Tanner- The giver
Dylan- Doctor

Chapter 3
*What did Jonas notice about the eyes of Gabriel?  What significance could this mean for Jonas? Jonas and Gabriel had the same lighter eyes. They could have the same birthing mother.

• How would you feel to be watched all the time, the way Jonas is? I would feel creeped out, and I would never be able to have a secret. I would try and look at the way the watch me. I would want to figure it out. I would lay false trails, so they wouldn't be able to see what I was doing.

• Do you think it says something about Jonas that he sees the apple change? Yes I do. I think it shows that he is special and that there is something different about him. Apples aren’t normally spheres. I think it is the pill.

Chapter 4
• Jonas’ community has a lot of rules.  Explain some of the rules and what you think the purpose for them are.  Do you think the rules are a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
Take your pill everyday I think this is bad because the pill takes away lots of feelings. The girls their hair in a special way this isn't good nor bad because it has benefits and disadvantages. It’s illegal to look upon a naked person.
What do you think these rules with have to do with the rest of the book?
They restrict the freedoms and luxury of the citizens in this community.

Chapter 5
Chapter 5
• Why was Jonas embarrassed about telling his dream?
Jonas did not want the rest of his family to know about his midnight stirrings whilst trying to sleep.
How important is sameness in Jonas’s community? It is very important not to be different because the ideal person isn’t any different from each other.  
How important is it in your community?
Some people are denied and excluded from certain things if they are not similar to one another

The Giver Vocabulary
Chapters 1 – 5
1.  intrigued: 1, very interested; fascinated
Sentence: ­­­­Occasionally, when supplies were delivered by cargo planes to the landing field across the river, the children rode their bicycles to the riverbank and watched, intrigued, the unloading and then the takeoff directed to the west, always away from the community
Context Clues Proof: He describes what fascinated him and said that other were to.

2.  ironic: 2, contrast between tone/meaning
Sentence: there was an ironic tone to that final message, as if the speaker found it amusing; and Jonas had smiled a little, thought he knew what a grim statement it had been.­­­­
Context Clues Proof: Amusing and grim

3. palpable: 3, able to be felt
Sentence: ­­­­He remembered that moment of palpable, stomach-sinking terror when the aircraft had streaked above.
  Context Clues Proof: stomach-sinking terror.

4.  distraught: 4, mentally upset
Sentence: I guess I got distraught, watching them.  
Context Clues Proof: The fish were at a hatchery and he felt sorry for them.  

5.  apprehensive: 4, fearful about the future
Sentence: ­­­­Apprehensive, Jonas decided.
Context Clues Proof:He shuddered with nervousness.

6.  defiant: 5, resisting or challenging
 Sentence: ­­­­she held up a clenched fist and the rest of the family smiled at her small defiant gesture.
Context Clues Proof:the word defiant and she held up a clenched fist

7.  enhance: 12, improve by adding to
Sentence: It might enhance his nurturing if I could call him by a name.  
Context Clues Proof: He was small and under grown but Father thought calling him by a name could help.

8.  chastise: 20, punish
Sentence: ­­­­He didn’t like it that she had mentioned his eyes.
Context Clues Proof: Only a few people had eyes like this and he was sensitive about it.

9. nondescript: 24, with no outstanding features
Sentence: ­­­­The same nondescript shade, about the same shade as his own tunic.
Context Clues Proof: But it was the same apple. Unchanged. The same size and shape.

10. serene: 29, calm and peaceful
Sentence: ­­­­It was a serene and slow-paced place, unlike the busy centers of manufacture and distribution where the daily work of the community occurred.
Context Clues Proof: slow paced place unlike the busy centers.

Chapter 6
What do you think of how families in Jonas’s community are formed? I don’t like it. In a normal family, you can somewhat guess what the child will be like. But with this way, you have no idea what they will be like.

Chapter 7
• How would you feel if you were in Jonas’s shoes and the Chief Elder skipped right over you when she was making Assignments? I would ask the elders why it happened, and would hope that I won’t be released. I would also think of what I had maybe done wrong.

Think like a movie far what are pro's and con's of making The Giver into a movie.  Don't just think of your likes and dislikes.  Cite textual evidence.  Consider what is popular right now for audiences.  What changes should be made.

Good story and thought.
Jonas’s age.
I would change his age.
People could get a different perspective of the book through a movie.
Some jobs would be weird to show.
I would add some things he sees differently.

It would be hard to
Make it longer

What do you think Jonas’s Capacity to See Beyond is?
I think it means when he sees something different. Like when they were playing catch he saw something different in the apple, and when he was on the stage staring at everyone he saw it just for one second.Then he blinked and it was gone.

Would you rather be selected, as Jonas was, or assigned, as his groupmates were? I would rather be selected like Jonas because it is being given a higher honor to the community. I would also feels like they made the right choice for me.

Chapter 9
• Jonas tells himself several times that things can’t change between him and his best friend, Asher. Do you think they can? Do you think they will? I think they can and I think they will because Jonas will rarely have time for his friend. The rules said he had to go to training right after school and then go straight home. Meaning he would have no interaction with any of his friends for a long time, and even if he did see them he would most likely have to lie to them about what he was doing or what he did do.
• Why does Jonas find the final rule in his instructions, “You may lie,” so unsettling?Because throughout his whole entire life he was told to never lie, and he had a thought that maybe everyone had this rule to lie.

Chapter 12
• Imagine a world without color. What color would you miss most?  Why? I would miss neon green because its my favorite color and I also like bright colors. They are stripping away the parts of life people need to experience.

• What value, if any, is there to Sameness? There isn’t any value. I would feel like a white lego block in the whole box.

Chapter 13
• Do you agree with Jonas that people have to be protected from wrong choices? You learn from your mistakes. To make mistakes is to live.

• As Jonas continues his training, he often finds himself angry with his groupmates and his family. Why? They don’t get to see what he sees. They think they have a great life, but they don’t.

• The Giver says that without memories, knowledge is meaningless. What does he mean? To have knowledge, you have to know how you got it. Some people learn different things through different ways.

Chapter 14
• Do you agree that painful memories are made easier when they are shared? Yes, because afterwards the pain isn’t still with you. Your leg isn’t bent in half.

• Do you think it’s fair that one person in the community—The Receiver—should have to be burdened and pained by memories so that no one else is? Yes, because you can ask that person for advice so the whole world doesn’t collapse when a plane flies overhead.

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